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Javelina Jundred

October 28, 2017

Halloween race, hippie costume, peace
21st hundred

I already have a 100K buckle from javelina 7 years ago.  So I had no choice but to finish the 100 mile.  This was my first attempt at 100 miler after my first ever 100 DNF at Burning River in July.  I went into this race knowing I needed to finish for several reasons.  My excuse for signing up late was to have a chance at western states, I needed a qualifying race because I dnf'ed Burning River due to illness.  I also had spent the last year not really motivated to run long.  I had signed up and completed several 50 milers and 1 100K but no 100 milers.  So either I was going to keep the crazy going or hang up my shoes.  This kind of gave me a calm yet excited feeling at the start and now that I am done, I am numb.  I am thinking that I was meant to run these long distances because I was having fun out there all day and night and day.

Javelina is much bigger than it was the first time I ran there in 2010.  There  were 600 people signed up for the 100 miler and another 200+ in the 100K.  At the start it was a wee bit crowded and didn't really open up for about two miles.  Then the running was fun.  I remembered these trails and certain sections made me laugh as I remember cussing them out the last time I ran this course.  Some of the rocky sections are icky and several people fell and had bloody knees.  Bad ass Kim on her birthday fell and sliced her hand.  The medics told her to leave and get stitches.  Kim wanted to finish and would not be denied.  She refused and ran the next 95 miles to finish and get her western states qualifier with a wrapped hand and knee.

Javelina is a five loop course with first loop at 22+ and the next 4 loops just under 20 miles.  The first loop was cool as we started in the dark.  The second loop was hot, so hot that the only way to survive in the hot exposed desert with no shade was to ice up.  People put ice in hats, in arm sleeves and the best place was in a bandana wrapped around the back of your neck.  Without ice this race would not have been possible.  

When the sun went down we were treated to a more runable course but by that time my stomach had turned.  Anything I tried to eat made me gag and dry heave.  So tail wind, coke a cola and water were my friends.  Although the food looked great I didn't spend a lot of time at aid stations.  This allowed me to catch up to other runners and we did the back and forth passing game.  Runners were usually very nice and chatted as they passed and then I would catch up and go out before they left the next aid station then they would pass me again.  There were quite a few non "Ultra runners" in this race.  These are rude people who run side by side or pass by saying "on your left" or expect you to get off the trail as they go by.  (Go back to iron man) Most true ultra runners know how to share the trail and chat as they graciously pass.  With 600 people attempting 100 and only 375 finishing, there must have been a lot of rookies out there.  Just remember when passing it is always helpful to be encouraging to those you pass and find a wider section of the trail to go around them.

One of the impacts of not running fast enough on day one and through the night is that you get the pleasure of running on day two.  Sure it is nice to see the second sun rise, but dealing with heat on the second day is miserable.  For some reason, probably medical, it always seems hotter than it is on day two.  One of the aid stations is called Jack Ass Junction.  Well I was a jack ass and forgot to fill my bandana with ice so it was a suffer fest for the next five miles till the next aid station.  The last nine miles seemed a bit rough but overall I had a great race and was still running at the end.  Amazing what the body will put up with.

Hippie costume - Last time I came to Javelina 100 I felt out of place because everyone was in costume.  This year it seemed that people didn't get the message.  I saw very few people in costume. Of course my pals made me proud and didn't  let me off the hook, so I had to have a costume.  I am anal when it comes to dressing up and can't just pick any costume so I had to have something meaningful with a point.  There is too much violence and war In our world so promoting peace seemed right.  Matt was a hobo with a bindle and great stovepipe hat, Betsy was a mermaid with lots of cool sparkle and excellent bra for the girls, Kim was a zombie tart with full on make up and I was a hippie with tie dye.  Of course I forgot my peace sign gaiters, my peace sign hat and peace sign tattoos.  So I "pieced" my peace sign costume together.  I bought a white hat and wore my spare pair of gaiters.  Glad I didn't forget anything else.  Some people would say that this isn't a "costume" for me as I lived through the seventies but I believe promoting what you desire is important. PEACE.

Javelina Jundred is my redemption race.  All throughout I was having fun running but I also don't want that damn ticket to Western States as I don't want to do anything that difficult.  So here is to signing up for more interesting 100s, 50s or whatever else attracts me.  Traveling with friends is always fun.  Thanks Betsy, Matt and Kim, for a tremendous weekend.

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